Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello good people.....bin a minute, yes? no?
 Maybe... i was trawlin the web on my usual browsin escapades, i came across some book mark designs that absolutely blew me away. 
I initially had the idea to make a couple for some friends who are doing their exams round about i was doing my research when lo and behold.....Cute bookmarks ahoy!!! ( yeah yeah, roll ur eyes all u want, the language in this post will be quite dandy today, lol)

They've used the idea of paperclips attached to cardstock paper...cut out in various designs. I find this REFRESHING in the sense that its new, I haven't seen anything like this around thats for sure, and it looks quite amazin when u actually place it in your books. . . . 

To that end i went out and got me a book ( av been on that mojo for some time though, reading, I need to read more ya'll!!!) and be sure al be makin lots of cute bookmarks to stick everywhere :-) and that means more books to buy....borrow.... which leads to a smarter me ( eeerrmm...ok, not quite, but close enough )

 awesome aynt it....

Now how cute is this?????

Books books books!!! get em. . .

:-) :-) :-)

 I found this one hilarious........

Sweeet :-)

 We are even colour-blocking bookmarks

simplicity is our motto....
i had to put this up just to drive the point home ..hehe

Will be postin the pics of my bookmark designs soon.......

have a lov-leee day :-) :-)