Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random Simplicity

"How do you do it?,  Do you sit and think up ideas first before making the final pieces?" and my best so far " do you think upside down?"
These are some of the questions people ask when they go through my work. . .
(and i always assume they are subtle....yet well meaning compliments)

At the introduction, i said atienoamisi is anything but ordinary. Same with the whole process that goes into making the cards. I don't believe in sitting down and making thumbnail sketches and color schemes and mockups...... It makes the whole process....whats the word...boring, ordinary. (not that i haven't tried...i did, and got tired at sketch number 5 :-/)

Work with the flow, thats my motto. Of course its good to have a mental outline of what you would like to achieve, from there, I sort of just work.....ideas "come" as i cut, and paste, and thread.......
I tend to think the best ideas are those that are not soo carefully though over.

An initial flower could be something else, instead of the full flower why not just a petal...... instead of a straight line of beads why not just throw them all over.......
Thats the beauty of the designs, no two are exactly alike ( unless you specifically ask for it)
Random, thats what they are.
Have to admit, some are accidents.......(and they are quite a number..:-} )
A wrong cut here could lead to a new design.

So thats how the designs come about, i don't sit on my head, i don't stand on one leg, ( I do sit on the floor though...) i don't make 100 sketches before i begin working.....

I call it random simplicity....