Monday, December 6, 2010

Peacock Feathers and the like

Why peacock feathers as the title for this post?
Well my weekend is the reason why. I got a request to design an african themed invite, and i reckoned this would be fun, creativity at work right? Beads, shells, gourds perhaps, such things.

Its refreshing when you meet a client who has done their home work and they know what they want............. until they ask for peacock feathers on their cards...........(i think the soundtrack to my life skipped a beat at that point)Yes, on her card, and she even had a lovely design that she had researched on...... sweet huh?!

But the minute i saw the design i fell in love with the feathers too (ti hi)
so sunday i was out (with my ever faithful sidekick) in the amazingly hot nairobi sun( 98 degrees i reckon), at Maasai market lookin for them.

This was after texting a couple of friends at 8. a.m on sunday asking if they knew where i could get them.
After lots of laughter, and accusations of being a poacher, AND threats of being reported to the animal rights org...( helpful friends aye?! ) they finally suggested maasai market.

Amazingly i did get the feathers, and managed to meet someone who could supply me with just enough for my order. . :-) which made me realize maasai market is a card makers heaven. Just find the right person to get u the right materials and your home free.
Of course you will get to hear of ridiculous offers, ..... 16, 000 for 160 feathers..... makes u wonder if the feather comes with the bird attached..............

but it was a succesful weekend nonetheless. I hope my client likes the sample...fingers crossed... :-)


  1. So what happened with the client. Was she happy. Ostrich feathers? For 16,000 I would have given you the ostrich to get the feathers from. LOL
    Anyway great work

  2. hahaaa, angie, i think with 16,000 i cud av gotten 2 LIVE peacocks, hehee. I gave tht one up for now and went back to easier things...beads, shells, buttons, JUST PAPER, lol.
    and thanx :-)
